this is the science hub, where we explore the mysteries of the universe, unravel the complexities of the natural world, and help you catch your personal best.
What Works ?

So as it turns out, researchers pondered these exact questions.
So much so that they inserted probes into the retina of a walleye, and discovered that they see the color orange the best in clear, relatively shallow water. When conditions become darker, the fish then saw colors near the red end of the spectrum. They also see the color green, but not nearly as well as red or orange.
They found that walleye have unique eyes, which have a reflective coating, allowing them to see in near darkness. Yes, this means we never have to stop fishing.
They discovered that if the lure was reflective, it improved the walleyes ability to see it.
Mission accomplished.
The researchers then applied this same logic to other fish in the sight-feeding-predator family such as Muskies, Pike, Perch, and Trout.
Another popular strategy is to mimic baitfish, or the prey these predators hunt. Offer them what they eat.

Pike, as the alpha predator, eat everything. It's no wonder that they snap at anything that moves.

Walleye eat Yellow Perch and minnows. That orange vision apparently came from somewhere.

Perch, near the bottom of the food chain target minnows, worms and eggs. But we already knew this.
As you design you're lure, keep these things in mind. It's all about increasing your catch potential, and here at Lead Head, that's what we do best.
Check out our Custom Shop, or visit our Store where we've taken all the guess work out for you.